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What to do when you inherit shares

The intergenerational wealth transfer will see many assets bequeathed. Most of these assets won’t be cash. Share portfolios are a common way that beneficiaries will receive assets – especially when the owner is an income investor that is living off dividends without drawing down on the capital of the portfolio.

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The power of income layering in retirement

Addressing retirees' fears of running out of money is essential for enhancing their quality of life. One of the biggest fears for retirees is running out of money during retirement and the impact this may have on their quality of life. With this in mind, many retirees only draw down the minimum of their account-based pension and lack the confidence to spend their retirement savings. They later regret being overly frugal in their early years of retirement. This is called ‘Regret Risk’.

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Breaking down Division 296 tax

Superannuation remains a highly tax-effective way for most Australians to save for retirement, offering concessional tax treatment of contributions and favourable tax rates on earnings within the structure. However, the proposed superannuation Division 296 tax on earnings of balances above $3 million1 requires careful consideration when developing financial planning strategies.

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What returns do you need for a comfortable retirement?

I recently wrote an article on how much you need to save to have a comfortable retirement. I thought I would turn this around and look at the return side of things. This is my attempt to figure out what return is required to have a comfortable retirement at different savings levels.

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Claiming tax deduction for personal contributions – Everything must be in order – The ATO cannot overlook missing steps.

There are four steps which must be completed to successfully claim a tax deduction for your personal superannuation contributions. If one or more steps are missing or not completed, the Commissioner of Taxation has no discretion to overlook those missing or incomplete steps.

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Can Non-Reversionary Pensions be made Reversionary?

If a pension commences as a non-reversionary pension can that pension be made reversionary without stopping and restarting the pension? The answer is a simple and definite “Yes” if the pension is an account style pension (such as account based pensions and transition to retirement pensions) and the governing rules expressly permit pensions to be varied.

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Back-dating pension commencement – is this permitted?

It is not possible to backdate the commencement of a pension. However, if the trustee and the member have informally agreed that a pension would commence from a particular date in a financial year (typically, 1 July for obvious reasons) and, in fact, pension payments are made in that financial year and the aggregate of the pension payments

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